Here’s some Asian type of pasta you need to try at home which the 100% Rice Pasta Macaroni whose ingredients and packaging comes from Vietnam. It wasn’t bad when I tasted one with a mix of pork/ham alongside some sauce and a couple of vegetables such as spinach and mushrooms. You can also make this on top of your Asian soup too which can also reflect a really healthy dish through lunch or dinner. Although I haven’t had the chance to yet try the normal macaroni pasta, especially when that is dairy-free but surely that will be something I would like to taste at some point and let’s see whose macaroni pastas is best? But then maybe I think I would pair them best with tomatoes to make it real pasta rather than dairy-free Mac ‘n Cheese where I still have ecezma probably because it has some nuts/cashews, soybeans or B-Carotene on it that does affect skin allergy sufferers like me. For now, see it for your yourself & it wouldn’t hurt to try by boiling your own Rice Pasta Macaroni alongside some good healthy toppings where you can get them anywhere at a local Asian grocery store for $3-4.
100% Rice Pasta Macaroni Review that is an Asian-style dish