Australian Rugby News, 2021 Super Rugby AU Week 9: Top 3 players from the Western Force v Waratahs

by Sports Benches

Felati Kaitu’u is an all-rounder at hooker for the Force tonight. He is a great contributor on both sides. Such as attack and defense. Where his form so far this Super Rugby AU season was good. It helped him get a Wallabies call up. Due credit from National coach Dave Rennie.

He has a great read who really lifted the Force up early. Thanks to the Tahs slow start via the poor discipline. Not only Felati was the root of his side first touchdown. But also the 2nd TRY capped of by himself. When he and Tom Robertson marked that isolated opposition tackle. This is great teamwork to gather some support. And that is how he got away past through the gate.

It aided the Force to try and hold on top spot as long as possible. They might have copped a few ill-disciplines. Which saw them run inconsistent here & there. But the home side never gave up. And his influence really gave every reason why the Force deserve a Qualifying Final. For now they will watch Melbourne Rebels with interest. Before the ladder is finally determined after Week 10 on April 24.

Richard Kahui

He threw in a great shift for the Force backline on the right wing. Especially having been involved in the attack more earlier on. Such as the physicality that helped eat every inch of the Tahs territory.

This player may be 35 right now. But his vast experience benefits the Force. When the communication is there that aided him to run out via the channels. It goes to show they are unpacking set pieces with the ball on hand. Although Force may have rushed their finishing play at times.

It does not mean that the Force are out of the fight. Having seen the direction from Kahui dictate their strategy. Passed on that passage of play via the other wing flank. And saw another International star in Jordan Olowofela touch down. Which ultimately led to a successful win. When Domingo Miotti executed two brilliant penalty goals. As the Force were blessed to have his word. They need someone who has won a World Cup before ten years ago. It turns out that Kahui is the right man to rise up their revival in 2021.

Izaia Perese

He did very well at outside centre for the Waratahs. Having made a couple of tackle busts through the Force. When they got the ball in hand with patience. Izaia might not have scored any tries at all tonight. But his huge involvement going forward helped them stay in the game.

Especially with communication being the focal point. It allowed him to read where the Force unable to mark. And using that passage of play aided the execution the Tahs need. Such as the short passes with plenty of call ups. So they do not fumble it under his watch. Which is how Jack Maddocks & Alex Newsome got away in the 2nd 40. We do not forget the defensive contributions he made as well.

Like the attacking run Izaia needed help with a couple of support men. Where the Tahs successfully grounded the Force build up play into touch. So much physical pack & pace offered in the midfield. We might not have seen him play a lot this season. Especially after that red card in Week 1 v Reds. But he has some expertise before in Queensland. Both at Union and league level. In which demonstrates versatility via all facets of rugby. He may be disappointed with the close loss. But well done on the hard work made tonight.

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